California Government Code §1031 says that law enforcement officers need a background investigation before getting hired. This investigation checks if a candidate meets the requirements for the job. The Background Unit handles this investigation. It's the applicant's job to give all the needed documents to the Background Unit. The investigation won't start until they have all the documents. If the background packet is incomplete, it will slow down the investigation.
This process includes verifying:
Employment history
Criminal record
Credit history
Background Investigations will include interviews with family, friends, and relatives.
Following the successful completion of the Oral Examination, and the Physical Ability Test, the Background Unit will require the applicant to complete the P.O.S.T Personal History Statement and provide the following documents:
A certified copy of birth certificate.
Copy of registration with the Selective Service System. Men between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register. Women are not required to register. Contact Selective Service, if needed at 1-847-688-6888, Website: Click here to visit Selective Service System website
Copies of high school and college diploma(s).
Official sealed transcript(s) from high school and college or G.E.D.
All veterans will be required to provide a copy of DD214.
Certificate of Citizenship or Naturalization Certificate, if born outside of the U.S.
Proof of Right to Work in the United States consisting of:
Employment Authorization Card
Social Security Card
Marriage certificate(s). (Certified copy or have your original with you at the time of the background interview, once contacted by an investigator.)
Dissolution/Divorce Decrees.
Copies of any restraining orders issued or filed.
Copy of vehicle insurance policy.
A recent photograph (passport size) is requested for identification purposes.
Certified copies of any bankruptcy proceedings.
Please click here to download a fillable version of the packet.
The Police Department Background Unit will also request the applicant to provide the following information, dating back over a period of ten (10) years:
Place of residence
Background Investigators will contact current and, where practicable, previous neighbors to determine whether the candidate has exhibited behavior incompatible with the position sought.
Names of persons the applicant resided with
Employment history (volunteer, full-time, part-time, etc.)
Names of coworkers and supervisors
Names of all law enforcement agencies previously applied to
Common disqualifiers:
Felony convictions
Serious misdemeanors
Current or past drug abuse
Dishonorable discharge from military service
Past or current gang affiliations
Unreported past crimes
History of domestic violence
False or incomplete information given on application
The Background Unit will notify the candidate if they are to move forward to the polygraph, medical and psychological testing phase. Successful candidates will be contacted by the Background Unit and provided with a conditional offer of employment and invitation to an Academy Class.
Background Investigation Unit
1245 3rd Street, 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94158

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