oral interview
Once a candidate has passed the written examination and the Physical Abilities Test. They move on to the Oral Interview phase. This will test the applicant's interpersonal and problem-solving skills. Skills that are not tested by other exams.
The OI score will be used to place candidates on the eligible list.
The OI will assess:
Community involvement
Interest and motivation
Interpersonal skills
Oral communication skills
Get a good night’s sleep before the test.
Have a light meal before the test.
It is recommended that you wear athletic shoes and appropriate clothing (e.g., shorts, sweatpants, T-shirt) for testing. Interviewing in your workout clothes is permissible. You will not be required to change clothes.
Report to the examination site on time, show photo identification, and register.
You will be escorted to your interview room.
You will have five minutes to review the oral interview questions before meeting with the panel.
When you enter the room, introduce yourself and shake hands with each interviewer.
Sit up straight and make eye contact with the interviewers.
Relax and breathe during the interview.
Listen carefully to the questions before you answer.
If you do not understand a question, say so.
When you answer a question, be responsive, but not too hasty.
When you finish your interview, thank the panel and leave the room.
Be seated in the hall until instructed to leave.