Written test
For this part, applicants may use either:
FrontLine National Law Enforcement Examination, administered by the National Testing Network (NTN)
California POST PELLETB Exam
Either exam is pass/fail with the minimum scores.
To register visit: Click here to visit National Testing Network website
You will need to establish an account with NTN. A fee is required to take the FrontLine National examination. Candidates with demonstrated financial hardship may submit a request to have the fee waived prior to test registration. See “Candidate FAQ #27” on the NTN website (Click here to visit National Testing Network website FAQ page) to learn more about how to apply for a fee waiver.
There are three components to the FrontLine National exam: a video-based human relations test, a reading ability test, and a written language ability test. The passing scores are:
Video: 65
Writing: 70
Reading: 70
Candidates must pass each test independently. The scores are not averaged.
The PELLETB exam was developed by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) and measures reading comprehension and writing abilities.
Applicants who have taken the POST written within the last two years and have achieved a t-score of 42 or higher will also be exempt from the written examination. A copy of the documentation which includes the date of the POST test and score on valid agency letterhead must be uploaded to your application. Please email dhr-publicsafety@sfgov.org after you have uploaded the document, so the Dept. of Human Resources (DHR) may go back to your application to verify.
Candidates that attain passing scores on the FrontLine National Exam or the PELLETB will be notified to take a Physical Ability Test (PAT) and an Oral Interview (OI).

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